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قديم 29-06-2016, 10:40 PM   #1
خالد مشعل


آحدث المواضيع


خالد مشعل غير متصل

خالد مشعل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي تحميل قفل التطبيقات وتصوير من يحاول فتح الهاتف Perfect App Lock Pro v7.2.2 APK

Perfect App Lock Pro v7.2.2 APK

Perfect App Lock! lets we strengthen any applications we wish with a cue or a pattern. You can lock: Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, SMS, email, pictures, camera, USB connection, calendar, messenger, and any apps we choose.
*Android 4.0 ICS compatible*

1. Lock any apps by using pin or pattern
2. Screen Filter support: Effectively manage screen brightness of individual apps
3. Rotation Lock support: Prevents unwanted screen rotation on each apps
4. Watchdog : After 3rd failed password attempt, built-in camera takes photo of attacker.
5. Lock WiFi, 3G data, Bluetooth, Sync, USB (MTP is not supported)
6. Lock Home Screen, Lock Outgoing Calls, Lock Incoming Calls, Lock App Install/Uninstall
7. Time, WiFi based locking policy supported.
8. Fake Popup : Displays fake error message when locked app is launched.
9. Minimum resource used
10. Remotely start service using SMS command
11. Gesture, Pin, Pattern, Text password supported.


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